Keynote & panel

Insights from the forefront of technology, ethics, innovation, and global progress.

Our keynote speakers are globally recognised experts, addressing critical topics at the intersection of technology and society. Their ideas inspire strategies and policies that drive human-centred innovation worldwide. We are expecting the following speakers (selection):

Teki Akuetteh

Africa Digital Rights Hub LBG

Ricardo Baeza-Yates

Northeastern University

Chris Bail

Duke University

Anna Bon

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Michael Bronstein

University of Oxford and Vienna Biocenter

Noshir Contractor

Northwestern University

Michael Cusumano

MIT Sloan School of Management

Annabelle Gawer

University of Surrey

Martin Giesswein

WU Executive Academy and DigitalCity.Wien

Siddhi Gupta

Inclusive AI Lab

Wendy Hall

University of Southampton

Complexity Science Hub Vienna

Georg Krause

msg Plaut

Brigitte Krenn

Austrian Research Institute of Artificial Intelligence

University of Vienna

Edward A. Lee

UC Berkeley

Lawrence Lessig

Harvard University

TU Wien

Austrian Academy of Sciences

Centre for Social Innovation and University of Vienna

Sunimal Mendis

Tilburg University

United Nations University

Ada Lovelace Institute

University of Vienna

eutema GmbH

Center for International Governance Innovation

Marc Rotenberg

Center for AI and Digital Policy

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Marietje Schaake

Stanford University

University of Utrecht

Ute Schmid

University of Bamberg

Austrian Institute for Vocational Training Research (öibf) and University of applied Sciences BFI Vienna

Carles Sierra

AI Research Institute Spanish National Research Council

European Commission

Ben Snaith

Open Data Institute

Philipp Staab

Humboldt University Berlin

Michael Stampfer

Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)

Karin Tausz

Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Moshe Vardi

Rice University

University of New South Wales

Dorothea Winter

University of the Humanist Association Berlin-Brandenburg

Women in AI Austria