
Press material

Thank you for your interest in the Digital Humanism Conference. You find all press-related material here.

Press contact

For press accreditation for the conference, please contact the organiser via from your business email address and your planned coverage. We also welcome bloggers to apply.

The programme commitee is happy to be available for short interviews. Please send your request to

Press information

Press information with description in short, medium and long (English & German, PDF)

Conference profile (English, PDF)

Conference profile (German, PDF)

Scientific programme committee (English & German, PDF)

Images & Visuals

Please feel free to use the following visuals for your report on the conference.

Background information

Digital Humanism Association

The Digital Humanism Association | Verein zur Förderung des digitalen Humanismus is a registered non-profit organisation in Austria, dedicated to promoting human-centred digital technology development rooted in fundamental rights, democracy, and self-determiniation. The association fosters interdisciplinary research, innovation, education, and discourse on Digital Humanism. As part of its mission, it leads the organisation of the Digital Humanism Conference 2025.

The manifest

Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism (different languages)

Digital Humanism Initiative at TU Wien


Peter Knees (Chairholder), Julia Neidhardt (Co-Chairholder)

UNESCO Chair on Digital Humanism

Digitaler Humanismus in der Praxis Award (2025-01-21)